PinnedStorytellingI am willing to bet that if I walked up to anyone, whether they are a friend, a colleague or a complete stranger and ask them if they can…Mar 28, 20211Mar 28, 20211
PinnedComplainingOne of the fun times I have ever enjoyed as a staffer was sitting around complaining about how lousy the management was at making…Aug 6, 20211Aug 6, 20211
ExpectationsI find it so amusing when I leave my desk to get something from another room and forget what I wanted, or looking for my reading glasses…Jan 28Jan 28
Diversity, Ethnicity, Inclusion: A Divided ConversationThe political discourse surrounding Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) has become increasingly polarised in recent years, particularly…Jan 24Jan 24
TribalismIn today’s world, the term “tribalism” often evokes strong emotions. While its origins lie in humanity’s ancient need to survive and…Jan 181Jan 181
Social ListeningIn a world dominated by conversations happening across social media, blogs, and online forums, listening has never been more critical —…Jan 4Jan 4
Purpose in LifeFinding a purpose in life can feel like an elusive quest, especially in a world that constantly pulls us in different directions. Yet…Dec 30, 2024Dec 30, 2024
Family SecretsDo you ever watch a film or listen to a particular song that push your buttons to make you think about events that happened in the past…Dec 20, 2024Dec 20, 2024
Film Review: Patch AdamsYou gotta check this out. I couldn’t stop laughing and crying all the way through it. I really wish medical students were taught to care…Dec 12, 2024Dec 12, 2024
Defunding the PoliceDefunding the police is a term that can mean different things depending on who uses it, but at its core, it refers to allocating or…Dec 12, 2024Dec 12, 2024